9:40 pm

3 Gordos Bastardos
abril 20, 2011

3:02 am

Don Queca Árabe
abril 20, 2011

12:41 am

Paro Cardíaco Inminente
abril 20, 2011

6:17 pm

Paro Cardíaco Inminente
abril 20, 2011

9:31 pm

Sin Sangre, Sólo Mayonesa
abril 20, 2011

DjTek escribió:Hola a todos / Hello everyone happy to be part of this great community hope to see you at the streaking party tonight….oh snap wrong forum… o.O who are you people!?!?!?!? how you get into my house??? O.O LOL Have fun and let the motor boating begin!!!!by that i mean GORDDEEEOO!!!
Oooooo Party? where? xD! well welcome!!!! thanks for this forum!!! and…… i hope see you more here, gordeando with us!xD eeeeeeeeeee one question! How did you meet Chubbys? and Live in America? sorry, are two question not one.
And sorry again, my english is not very good =P…..
Good video! xD.

4:47 pm

Gordo Bastardo
abril 20, 2011

6:38 pm

Sudor Espeso
abril 20, 2011

5:19 pm

Don Queca Árabe
abril 20, 2011

6:00 pm

Mr. Anti-Ensaladas
abril 20, 2011

1:14 am
Ycnax escribió:Your heres the technician who takes charge of the page and all that? Mean that you helped your me with the problem of signature when newly I came!![]()
PD: He forgives if my Englishman stinks
No te preocupes por el ingles te lo leo bien pero escrito estoy muy malo sip estado ayudando un poco a poco
2:15 am

Terror del Pollo Frito
abril 20, 2011

5:53 am

Terror del Pollo Frito
abril 20, 2011

6:28 am

Terror del Pollo Frito
abril 20, 2011

1:04 am

Terror del Pollo Frito
abril 20, 2011

2:14 am

Nunca un Sólo Asiento
abril 20, 2011

Whiplash! escribió:WHAT IS A MAN?!… err… sorry, i mean, what's up man?Is good to know that you have been helping our 3 chubbies with the web site, hope you keep the good work with them making this community greater and greater!
Thanks for all the work.
What is a man? XDDDD.
Muy buena.
Bienvenido / Welcome DjTek.
Only a question for you… Why you are a administrator (no se asi se dice), you know the chubbys?
Esperemos que no levemos bien, y la pases bien en el foro.
Si me agregan, Mandenme un Mensaje Privado para Agregarlos:
3DS Friend Code: 0001-3530-8076 LuigiMex
GameTarg: MrLuigix64
PSN ID: Luigix64
Vean mis Ultimas Reseñas: Megaman Battle Network, La Internet como Jamas la has visto https://www.3gb.com.mx/forum/re.....-gbawii-u/
6:33 am
Luigix64 escribió:Whiplash! escribió:WHAT IS A MAN?!… err… sorry, i mean, what's up man?Is good to know that you have been helping our 3 chubbies with the web site, hope you keep the good work with them making this community greater and greater!
Thanks for all the work.
What is a man? XDDDD.
Muy buena.Bienvenido / Welcome DjTek.
Only a question for you… Why you are a administrator (no se asi se dice), you know the chubbys?
Esperemos que no levemos bien, y la pases bien en el foro.Saludos
Gracias por la bienvenia!! Los Gordos y yo nos conocemos hace unos años nos conocimos jugando un juego que se llamava Space Cowboy en linia hace como 5 años y soy administrador por que trabajo detras de las cortinas de el Sitio y el foro en las cosillas technicas. disculpa la gramatica mi espanol no esta pulido :S saludos
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