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GTTV Presenta Battlefield 3: Operation Gridiron
octubre 13, 2011
7:15 pm
Tlaxcala, México

Nunca un Sólo Asiento
Mensajes en Foro: 1595
Miembro Desde:
abril 20, 2011
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Sin mas propósito que el de dar a conocer Battlefield 3 al publico, EA presenta un Reality Show en el que jugadores de Football profesional (Drew Brees, Clay Matthews, Larry Fitzgerald y Jared Allen) serán puestos en acción en una practica de tipo militar inspirado en el juego Battlefield 3, serán entrenados y puestos a prueba en escenarios simulados.

From the football field to the battlefield, the Battlefield 3™ experience comes alive this fall! Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) today announced that it has teamed up with some of football's biggest stars for an exclusive reality show titled GTTV Presents Battlefield 3: Operation Gridiron. Airing on Spike TV this fall, the show takes Quarterback Drew Brees, Linebacker Clay Matthews, Wide Receiver Larry Fitzgerald, and Defensive End Jared Allen into real-life combat scenarios inspired by the award–winning videogame, Battlefield 3. Filmed at a top secret location, these all-star athletes are provided the ultimate in combat training by some of the world's most elite Special Operations Warriors. Following their advanced training, they must work together as a team to accomplish a live simulated operation, pulled straight from the gritty war scenarios players will face in the game. Starting today, weekly Tuesday webisodes will be posted at 9:00am PDT on the Battlefield Facebook page. The finale will air on Spike TV on October 24 at12:00am EST/PDT and at 11:00pm CST. Gamers can «LIKE» Battlefield 3 on http://www.facebook.com/battlefield to view the Battlefield 3: Operation Gridiron webseries.

El Programa se llama Operation: Gridiron, y sus capítulos serán publicados en Internet en los horarios descritos en negritas.




Al menos a mi loro llamarme la atención.

Si vis pacem, para bellum


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